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AKA – Special Fi Mi Featuring Patoranking

by Phil Chard

In the latest episode of Coke Studio South Africa, the Super Mega AKA Linked up with Nigerian Dancehall star Patoranking on a song titled Special Fi Mi. The Gospel produced song fuses Dancehall with Trap and Juju / Museve guitar elements.

On the song AKA continues to venture down the path to fusion as he sings most of his verses. The actual debate around how AKA would deliver his verse on the song makes for incredibly entertaining television as the headstrong rapper argues with Patoranking and Gospel about the final mix of the song. The debates culminated in my favourite part of the episode, at the 30:06 mark Patoranking exclaims "AKA is crazy" with a forlorn and exhausted look on his face.